Monday 17 August 2015

The past

We often read about the past and we get to see how Offred compares her freedom, happiness, society to now and then. I think Offred has the need to keep the past alive and real in her head, because she is afraid that one day she will not remeber anymore. And she is afraid of being "brainwashed" into this new world and not know any better. She wants to remeber that she knows better and that her life in fact did have happiness and her spirit was free once upon a time. She is one of those strong characters, the one who wants to hold on to her identity when everyone else lets go. She is the character who will play along, but secretly is a rebel and thinks of a way out of her situation every day. She thinks of the past and her friends and family, that is usually what keeps her on earth. She hopes to one day be reunited with her family and see her husband and child once again. The past is like a resource for her. The past reminds her of how her world once looked like and maybe it could look like that once again. 

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