Tuesday 4 August 2015

Offred's family

Through out the novel we get the impression that Offred had a family before the government took her away. I believe that she had a husband, called Luke, and a daughter who I presume was around four or five years old when they parted. In her flashbacks we notice the girl is at a young age as she describes the daughter "was sitting in the little baby seats they had then, in supermarket carts" (pg. 73). This gives me the impression that the daughter must have been younger than three.

In chapter 12 we can estimate the age of the little girl, whose name we still do not know. Offred first says "Maybe I do think of her as a ghost, the ghost of a dead girl, a little girl who died when she was five." (Pg. 74) She then continues and says "Eight, she must be now." (Pg. 74)

Offred herself is "thirty-three years old" (pg. 153) and she has brown hair. She is five feet and seven inches without shoes on.

As for Luke and their daughter we have no visual. 

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