Monday 17 August 2015

Night (Unit 3)

In this unit there is only 1 chapter, which contains constant flashbacks. The entire chapter is like a dream, flashbacks to different places and times in the past life of Offred. The point is that she is alone at night and she can do whatever she wants, this time of day is all hers. She can say and think whatever she wants. Her first flashback is about Moira, her friend from collage. The second one is of her mother and how they threw magazines into the fire which was in a park. 

This chapter shows the lonliness Offred feels as well as the sadness. She says "I would like to believe this is a story I'm tellling." (pg. 49) when in fact she is recalling memories, which are painful.

In this section of the story I think we get to know more about Offred's mental state. As a Handmaid I think she is very lonely becuase she is not allowed any interactions with other people other than the little she gets from walking with other Handmaids and speaking briefly with the Marthas in her household.

This photo I chose due to the color, background and the path. I think this image shows in so many ways how Handmais' live. This especially applies to Offred who is at the end of her path. The path which the person stand on is representing the only path which Handmais can go, ,however it only leads to a sea of emptiness. The sea itself represent the endless lonesome, as the sea goes on forever, and the width represents just how lonely you can be. 

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