Monday 3 August 2015

Shopping (Unit 2)

This unit includes chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in which we follow Offred in her daily life as a Handmaid. Offred takes us on a past ride where she explains how she came to be with the Commander she is with now. We learn that she is running out of time as there will be three chances for her to give the commander a child or she will be taken away from her role and die off slowly by radiation or be taken to "the wall" and get shot. She is now at her last chance. 

In this unit we also see more of the society and we realize the dangers of this new system as well as the problems the system creates. There are roles on who can do what and when. This is a problem for the woman who do not accept or agree to this ruling. There are woman who thinks the system is terrible and there are often mistakes made which makes them frightened. The woman are powerless, they do not make their own decisions, they cannot talk with each other other than small talk, they are not allowed to do this and that, which makes them incapable which also means they feel a fear of getting in the way or doing something out of order and stepping over the line, which will get you killed. The fear of always needing to limit yourself, gives the reader a view into how the lives of woman could look like in a destopian world. Living in fear, living with extrem rules and not being able to decide your own fate. 

In this unit we see how Offred interacts with other people both in her Handmais group but also with people out of her league. Offred lives with a Commander and his wife who are basically her dictators, whom she should not speak with or look at unless asked to. She also lives with two Marthas in the house as well as a Guard; Nick. It is interesting to see the way she lives her life and the way she interacts differently with the different social classes. 

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