Monday 17 August 2015

The past

We often read about the past and we get to see how Offred compares her freedom, happiness, society to now and then. I think Offred has the need to keep the past alive and real in her head, because she is afraid that one day she will not remeber anymore. And she is afraid of being "brainwashed" into this new world and not know any better. She wants to remeber that she knows better and that her life in fact did have happiness and her spirit was free once upon a time. She is one of those strong characters, the one who wants to hold on to her identity when everyone else lets go. She is the character who will play along, but secretly is a rebel and thinks of a way out of her situation every day. She thinks of the past and her friends and family, that is usually what keeps her on earth. She hopes to one day be reunited with her family and see her husband and child once again. The past is like a resource for her. The past reminds her of how her world once looked like and maybe it could look like that once again. 

Chapter 5 quotes

"Such freedom now seems almost weightless." (Pg. 33)

"I think about having such control." (Pg. 34)

"In the day of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from." (Pg. 34)

"We were a society dying, said Aunt Lydia, of too much choice." (Pg. 35.)


I noticed that some people like the new system and defend it when they feel threatened. Some people believe they are just "doing their job" when there are complications and the guards kill people. Some people think otherwise, for example they may think the guards take to harsh measurments or simply that this whole new system is wrong. Rita says "nothing safer than dead" which I believe she could have meant two things by;

1. Literally, there is nothing safer in this world than if you were dead.
2. I think she also meant sarcastically because she is angry with the system and she thinks they jump to conclusions. In context, Rita's reply to Cora could be seen as a snap back.

Chapter 4 quotes

"The truth is that she is my spy as I am hers." (Pg. 29)

"She may be a real believer, a Handmaid in more than name. I can't take the risk" (pg 29)

These quotes suggest how there might be rebells among the woman and how there are believers and other who are just Handmais by name but not by spirit. I think that this means that some people have adapted, whereas some pretend to have. This also shows, Offred, who considers other Handmais a threat, can't trust people. She think twice before speaking and she needs to make sure she trust the right people with her rebelious secret.

Night (Unit 3)

In this unit there is only 1 chapter, which contains constant flashbacks. The entire chapter is like a dream, flashbacks to different places and times in the past life of Offred. The point is that she is alone at night and she can do whatever she wants, this time of day is all hers. She can say and think whatever she wants. Her first flashback is about Moira, her friend from collage. The second one is of her mother and how they threw magazines into the fire which was in a park. 

This chapter shows the lonliness Offred feels as well as the sadness. She says "I would like to believe this is a story I'm tellling." (pg. 49) when in fact she is recalling memories, which are painful.

In this section of the story I think we get to know more about Offred's mental state. As a Handmaid I think she is very lonely becuase she is not allowed any interactions with other people other than the little she gets from walking with other Handmaids and speaking briefly with the Marthas in her household.

This photo I chose due to the color, background and the path. I think this image shows in so many ways how Handmais' live. This especially applies to Offred who is at the end of her path. The path which the person stand on is representing the only path which Handmais can go, ,however it only leads to a sea of emptiness. The sea itself represent the endless lonesome, as the sea goes on forever, and the width represents just how lonely you can be. 

Thursday 6 August 2015

Chapter 3 Quotes

"From a distance it looks like peace." (Pg. 22)

"Maybe it's just something to keep the Wives busy, to give them a sense of purpose." (Pg. 23)

"She wanted me to feel that I could not come into the house unless she said so. There is push and shove, these days, over such toeholds. " (Pg. 23)

"But if I get trouble, I'll give trouble back." (Pg. 25)

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Handmaids are not to speak with anyone who does not speak to them first. They should stay out of their Commanders' way as well as the Commanders' Wife. If they stumble upon these two important people, they are not to look at them or speak without permission. They do however speak freely with the Martha's, within reason. Offred has a lot of opinions on how the society is run and she is curious to learn, however the system will not let her learn any new knowledge. "It's the only thing they have given me to read. If I were caught doing it, would it count?" This shows they are not allowed to read, they don't need to count anything, they cannot read news papers etc. The goal is to keep them in the dark about how it really looks like in thie horrific society they live in. 

The Handmaid's role is to reproduce as well as going shopping for the Martha's. These are very limited chourse which means they end up having little to do. Offred goes on a hunt in her room to find anything which could be interesting. Another day she sits on the window seat and look out the window to see all which happens outside. As you can see, it is a role which requires little job. However if a Handmaid fails to bare a child at her third home, she will be sent to die of radiation or hanged at the Wall. 

The dress of the Handmaid is plain and simple. It is red and long down to the ankles. It covers arms, legs and neck. For the neck they use "white wings" which is to prevent her from seeing anyone else's face and others from seeing hers. Her dress looks the same all year around, however in the summer they have a fresher fabric. The image and feel the dress gives Offred is "a Sister, dipped in blood" (pg. 19)